Wednesday, January 30, 2008

UK Credit Card Tips & General Advice

As Christmas approaches, many of us in the UK will be considering taking out a new credit card to purchases those all essential gifts. With a plethora of card offers out there, deciding which card,if any, is best for you can seem a little daunting

What follows are some useful tips and advice that hopefully will help make your decision a little easier and clearer.

Loyalty/Bonus Cards

As people's circumstances vary so do the credit card deals on offer. If you intend to clear your bill each month, the interest rate on your card becomes irrelevant as you won't have to pay it. Therefore you should consider going for a card that offers some form of loyalty bonus such as redeemable points, cashback or air miles.

Interest-Free Offers

These cards are particularly useful for those don't clear their balance each month. Shop around for cards that offer 0% interest on balance transfers and purchases. The length of these offers tend to vary, so choose one that is appropriate to you needs i.e whether you intend to use the card mainly for purchases or a balance transfer.

Some cards allow you up to 59 days to pay for purchases before being charged interest on them, thus giving you some breathing space to pay for your goods or/and services.

Special Offers

One way to save money on your card debt is to take advantage of the many debt-transfer offers available from most banks. These offers are usually exclusive to new customers and allow you to pay off your debt from a more expensive card at a lower rate for a limited period.


Although you can withdraw cash from ATM's with your credit card, it is best left as a last resort as, although convenient, you will pay for the privillage through a steep interest rate.

Plus Points

Using the plastic to pay for expensive items such as jewellery, electrical goods or goods bought online, gives you the piece of mind of consumer protection i.e under the Consumer Credit Act, the card company are liable ( as is the seller of said goods or services) if there is a breach of contract.

This is especially handy if the goods either arrive faulty/damaged or don't arrive at all due to the supplier, for example, going bust. If any of these scenarios were to arise, you should have the money spent redeemed to your credit card.


Most cards will levvy a charge against you if you fail to pay your monthly repayment on time, with penalties usually around 20. You will also incurr a charge if you go over your set credit limit. Setting up a direct debit to make your monthly payment will eliminate the possibility of being late with your monthly payment and thus avoid that nasty charge.

What Card Then?

Deciding what credit card to apply for really depends on your personal circumstances and requirements.

If, for example, you intend to do some serious short-term shopping, a card that offers, say six month interest free on purchases, would be more suitable.

If you know in advance you wil be unable to clear the balance in the short term, then a card that offers a low rate for the lifetime of the balance, would be suitable as you will save a graet deal in interest paymnets compared with a card that resorts to a higher rate after any offers expire.

If you are able to clear your balance each month, then going for a card that offers rewards, such as cashback on purchases, would be most prudent.

Joe Kenny writes for the Loans Store offering secured loans and offer more information on car loans and other loan topics available on site.Andriette Blog56677
Allison Blog68240

Computer Games

Remember your old Commodore Vic 20? You were free to spend a Saturday afternoon doing nothing but playing video games--as soon as you found the game cartridge and typed in that lengthy run code. But man, it was fun!

Computer game plays have come a long way since those days in the 1980's. From pinging a white dot from paddle to paddle, to simple static non-scrolling games, to today's mind blowing sound and graphics, computer games have evolved into game categories that are played on super consoles.

Playing computer games is part of our everyday popular culture. The entertainment genre that was once reserved for idle teenagers has grown to be the favorite pastime of the average thirty year-old. The computer games marketed today are so varied in style; anyone choosing from a selection of computer game software can easily be overwhelmed by the available choices.

The latest development to boost computer game playing was the development of broadband. With this technology, two players can play games from different parts of the world. As long as the broadband connection is good, the game is played simultaneously in real time, with no lag. Because of the universal appeal, computer games have made it possible to interact with other players anywhere, despite the cultural, time or language barriers. Even toddlers can now enjoy software with games and software designed for their education and amusement.

Computer game playing has enjoyed such worldwide popularity with people of all ages, studies are now being conducted on the effects it has on players. The seemingly innocent invention has created so much attention that international assessments are underway to track the impact of these products on user's behavior and thinking. Initial studies hint that computer game "bestsellers" tend to be violent or ugly game styles, but the results may be leaning to a more optimistic side.

Choosing which computer games to play is a personal choice affected by a number of factors. Taste and preference of the player are the biggest determining factors. When choosing a computer game, consider these factors to find the style that suits you:

* Challenge: What are your strong points? Logic, speed, verbalizing or coordination? Find a game that challenges you and builds your skills.

* Number of Players: Do you play well with others? Team play or opposition involves organization, multi-player strategies and building coalitions.

* Luck: If you're just plain lucky, try cards or games of chance.

* Strategies: Strategic games are great for your brain. Choose titles with deeply strategic game play.

* Ease of use: Some games are so complicated they're just not fun to play. Kids, especially, should choose games appropriate to their age and skill.

* Reality: Does the game attempt to simulate real life, or is it an abstract game designed purely for entertainment.

* Objectives: What is the objective of the game? Do players get eliminated, or can everyone stay to the end?

* Style: There is an incredible range of themes and styles of computer games, from comical to downright violent.

Depending on your interests, you can shoot, race, fight or role-play on your computer. There are real time games, and simulation games.

Computer games have come a long, long way since those early blips and bleeps of the 1980's. Our screens are now graced with full-colour 3D graphics (although many still prefer two-dimensional games). Anytime you're ready to take a break, you can just turn on your computer and instantly disappear with the computer game of your choice.

Robert Jones contributes articles to several web sites, including and Blog32463
Celia Blog26522

Light A Candle for Victims of Domestic Violence

One and three women are being affected by domestic violence. Some of them are covering the scars with makeup and hiding behind self-improvement guides. How to Books Online (HTBO) Marketer Nicholl McGuire, 32, knows first hand the affects of mental and physical abuse, because she is a survivor. Oftentimes, they are looking to escape the pain. They tend to blame themselves and feel ashamed, so they dont tell anyone. The Pittsburgh native says, Those around them who know about the abuse dont say anything for fear of retaliation or because they are victims.

So with the help of Beauty Sales Representative Melissa McGuire, 28, (also her sister) she is assisting with promoting a fundraiser, started by the Avon Foundation, to encourage people from the east coast to the west coast to speak out against domestic violence. Supporters would not have to attend an event, march or anything else except donate their dollars to a candle or bracelet with the message, Speak Out, says Melissa, who currently lives in Wilkinsburg. Once they receive the item they should display it publicly or light it at their home, workplace or business so that people can ask questions about it. Be prepared to say that you are encouraging people to speak out against domestic violence and offer them the opportunity to help, says Nicholl. The decorated candle is only $6.50 and a bracelet is only $3 they both come with a free domestic violence resource guide and 100% of the net proceeds goes to support the cause.

How to Books Online, Inc., a brand new business just begun this year, provides internet books from romance to caring for pets and software for movie, music and game downloads. HTBO volunteers provide advice in family and relationship matters and assists businesses in internet marketing. For more information email: or visit

The Avon Foundation is committed to helping educate and empower women and bring an end to domestic violence. Avon is a leading global beauty company and features such products as Avon Color, Anew, Skin-So-Soft, Avon Solutions, Advance Techniques, Avon Naturals, Mark, and Avon Wellness. For more information call Melissa at 412-727-6308 or email:

Nicholl McGuireCelie Blog18243
Carolynn Blog29230

Making Your First Successful Forex Trade

If you get of to a good start with Forex it will give you confidence and will encourage you to trade regularly.

Follow these tips to get of to the best start possible:

Making your first Forex trade can be quite an exciting event.

It also is an event that requires some planning in advance, as well as doing some checking and double-checking before you ever make that first trade.

Here are some suggestions for preparation that will help you to really get the most out of that first trading event.

Trading currency comes with a certain amount of risk.

The prudent trader will always make sure, that he or she has enough resources to be able to withstand a period where there are more losses than there are gains. From that perspective, it is important to never risk more funds than you can reasonably do without.

Examine the condition of your finances carefully, and determine the amount of your resources that can be comfortably involved in the process of currency trading without creating any financial burdens.

Keep in mind that the volume of your transactions will often come into play when it comes to purchasing currency.

Simply put, the more you can afford to buy, the better rate you are likely to command. Your circumstances will of course dictate how much you can afford to invest in a single transaction.

Individuals who are involved in currency trading will also have to keep in mind that there is the matter of that minimum margin deposit that you must be able to maintain.

You may have to begin with smaller transactions that yield less return. But keep in mind that as you grow your revenue from your currency trading efforts, you will be in a position to go for the more lucrative deals.

It is a very good idea to begin developing your strategy well before you make that first trade.

You can get a great deal of help developing that strategy by utilizing the various reports and other sources at your disposal to try some projections of your own.

Set up some test runs by structuring a currency trade on paper and watch how things would have gone had you actually made the transaction. Learn from the outcome, whether it was a win or a loss.

Either outcome can help you identify some valuable tools that will help you refine your basic strategy.

You may find that you need to include more sources of information in your decision making process.

Perhaps your simulated trades will teach you that there is a source or two that needs to be disregarded or replaced in your roster of informative sources.

The point is to refine your strategy as much as possible before you go "live" with your currency trading.

Making money and having some fun in the process are what the trading is all about.

When you perform due diligence before you ever begin you can ensure that your first Forex trade, will be a true example of what you are capable of accomplishing.

It should be noted Forex trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors.

Geri MasonBetty Blog99509
Caitrin Blog51822

Look Great with the Latest Cosmetics Combining Healing Like Ingredients

Beauty has been a sensitive issue for both men and women since ancient times. There cannot be a better example of this concern than the reports of Cleopatra bathing in a donkey's milk to keep her skin young and glowing. Legends testify that Egyptians and Greeks adopted various beauty treatments that used both natural and chemical ingredients.

The term, "Cosmocueticals" is being used widely today. But what is the story behind cosmocueticals? Researchers have combined the beneficial aspects of both science and cosmetics. These two diverse and strong fields have come together as one. In the process of developing this new beneficial admixture, they have thrown open the gates to a dynamic new industry.

Science is one of our most powerful fields and the field of cosmetics is a very commercial. They are two of our largest and most powerful fields. Therefore, cosmocuetics, as a field of endeavor, seems to have almost unlimited potential.

Interested to learn more about how this burgeoning new industry can have positive benefits for your life? Spend a few minutes with me exploring this encouraging new field.

You will probably agree that both these fields have distinctive identities. This merger is certainly a promising and prominent one, capable of solving many of our health problems. There is also an allied field of activity that is continuously working toward combining science with cosmetics. This is known as cosmetic chemistry.

Until recently, only medical procedures were recognized as solutions to various health problems. But, with advances in cosmocueticals, you can expect new options and treatments.

Here are some of the products that best explain the concept of cosmocueticals:

There are two groups of chemical ingredients used in preparing cosmetics that are in sync with consumers' needs: (1) vehicle agents and (2) active agents. The vehicle agents aid in preparing cosmetics, while the active agents play an active role and decide the final product's effect on your skin. It is the job of cosmetic chemists to strike the right combination of these agents and prepare cosmetics to satisfy you the customer.

Some agents are found in most of the cosmetics. Water is a good example. But, it is the duty of cosmetic producers to use only safe, distilled, filtered and sterilized water, Due to its ability to flow, water is used in lotions and creams as a spreading agent. It is also a natural choice in moisturizers too.

* Surfactants comprise a product category that performs various functions. Sometimes, they are used in cleansers, body washes, and even shampoos. They perform the role of emulsifiers in creams and lotions. They are also are used as solubilisers to dissolve oils in water-based cosmetics.

* Emulsifiers are another important category of ingredients in cosmetics. Their primary function is to enable water and oil-soluble substances to mix evenly. Uniformity of ingredients is essential in cosmetics so that they spread evenly and serve their purpose. Lecithin is one of the popular emulsifiers.

* Emollients refer to the large molecules of chemicals that collectively prevent water loss from your skin, thereby preventing it from becoming dry and dull. This property of emollients makes them a main ingredient in moisturizers since the purpose of these cosmetics is to make your skin appear soft and smooth. Moisturizers generally include fatty esters which are essential to replace as you age and natural esters are depleted.

These various categories of cosmetics should help you better understand the concept of cosmoceuticals. This new field has developed some products that will help you find effective solutions to problems like dark circles under your eyes, puffiness, wrinkles, and eye strain.

Cosmoceuticals is a new trend in the field of cosmetics. You can find a wide range of products in cosmoceuticals from which you can choose those that will soothe you and heal many of your topical skin problems. This is an ever-growing field and new developments occur every day.

Cosmoceuticals, in the long run, can encourage us to begin to see and realize that nature, helped along by science, can be a good soother and healer. Mere medical procedures cannot be always accurate and effective. The same is of course true of nature, but in combination their potential is limitless.

Nature alone can be unpredictable. Science and nature individually are limited. Individually, their side-effects often can cause more harm than the actual ailment. Together, science and nature can create exciting products.

Accordingly, cosmoceuticals today are helping address unslighty problems associated with natural aging. Products like Lumnaderm(TM) focus on harmless but unsightly age spots, liver spots, and sun spots; while Eyederma(TM) deals with dark circles under your eyes. Dark circles on the skin and under the eyes, in some cases, are an indication of more serious problems and they should be examined by a doctor. However, for the overwhelming majority of people, they are problems that can be addressed with cosmoceuticals like Lumnaderm(TM) and Eyederma(TM).

The well regarded cosmoceutical Eyederma(tm) boasts rich ingredients that targets a nagging problem of many people as they age -- dark circles under their eyes. It is not within the scope of this article to discuss all the reasons people tend to have dark circles under their eyes as they age. However, the Eyederma(tm) product makes our general point. It illustrates how a common problem like dark circles and patches under your eyes can be minimized without expensive surgery.

Imagine the promise of this type of cosmoceutical. A product like this could save you thousands of dollars in hospital costs, lost wages, and recovery time (not to mention risk) if you experience dark circles under your eyes.

Think about it, other options like plastic surgery are more dangerous and costly. The Eyederma(tm) cosmoceutical example certainly seems like a worthwhile consideration and maybe investment for those whose who are concerned about a more vibrant youthful appearance. Both the Lumnaderm(tm) and Eyederma(tm) products are distributed by major retailers and established online stores like and the (

Cosmoceuticals may be the long-awaited merger of medicine and cosmetics. It has certainly become the buzzword in the cosmetic industry today. For all of you who are concerned with your appearance, cosmoceuticals may just be a timely and welcome merger of science and nature!

Written by the V-Team, courtesy Kamau Austin, publisher. The V-Team writes articles for the health and fitness enthusiast. Their timeless health and fitness tips are at the Fit After Forty Blog. See more useful news and tips about reducing dark cycle around the eyes with Eyedermaat Blog84596
Anabal Blog57538

How To Stop Running To Your Doctor With Health Problems

Hey there,

Have you been seeing your doctor a little too much lately? Headaches here, chest pains there..shortness of breath, feeling weak, dizzy, and lethargic.

A nasty virus going around?

Not likely.

Something you caught from your kids?

Probably not.

Well, what is it?

Would you believe (and you should) that it could be that youre overweight and/or out of shape?

No way, it cant be! you say..I mean youre supposed to drag yourself throughout the day eating chips, drinking caffeine laced beverages, and exercising your fingers on the keyboard.

Thats how life supposed to say, work like crazymake as much money as possible regardless of the health risksretire (while being overweight and out of shape) and spend a good amount of your retirement visiting your local doctor and hospital waiting for that new breakthrough surgery to suck up all that fat from your arteries. Unfortunately, this is often true of many people nowadays. How can you possibly stop this and decrease the possibility (exponentially, I might add) that you have to spend your retirement years pitching a tent at your doctors office.

Get moving.

Start a fitness program..try to do a pushup (you should be able to do more than 1, by the way)take a brisk walk around the neighborhood..take a jog with your dog up and down the street..try to do 10 crunchesjust start something! More importantly, stick with it.

Thats all you need..just 2 little things.

Start with something.and stick with it.

2 simple, yet powerful actions. In fact, theyre so powerful that if you did these two little things, you would be in better shape than most people in the world!

You want to know a little secret?

Open your ears and pay attention.

Your doctor doesnt want to see you. In fact, they are sick of seeing you..they would rather be playing But do you want to know why they have to keep long hours and spend minimal time with patients?

Because we are getting fatter and unhealthier by the day. Which equals more health problems, which equals more doctor visits, more hospital visits, more tests (very costly I might add), more x-rays, more surgeries, etc. etc. etc.

How many hundreds and thousands of dollars are you and your family spending on unnecessary health bills? Instead of chewing on a Twinkie.chew on that thought for a while.

What would you rather have with all that extra money: a new car, a house thats paid off, a vacation home, a boat?


Living healthier, looking leaner, feeling younger and more energized while pocketing extra money from saved doctor bills and surgeries.

Where do you sign up?

Not at your local McDonalds or Burger King.

Nor at your local greasy spoon restaurant.

You sign up by making a commitment to change your lifestyle. Hey, maybe thats not what you are wanting to hear, but its true. You and only you, (with some help from me, of course) can make that change.

Whats the great thing about it?

So many people have tried and succeeded by doing it the right way, and you can too! It may take some time, it will take some discipline, heck, it may even take some sacrifices.but you will get so excited when you look at yourself in a mirror and see a leaner, fitter, healthier you.

Save money, save insurance company hasslesand for goodness sakes start a fitness program. I may not be able to help you have a body like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie by next week.but listen to me and you can at least save enough money to take everyone you know to see all of their movieslol. Actually, with your savings on doctors visits..youll have way more money than that.

In closing, you can choose one of two things.

1.Making a change to commit to a healthier lifestyle, a more balanced diet, and a fitness program that will lead to greater physical fitness, mental health and wellness, endurance (use your imagination), less doctor visits (when they are practically pushing you out the door anyway), less chances for heart attacks, strokes, surgeriesAND more money in your pocket from saving yourself from these expenses.


2.A diet filled with fats, lard, cholesterol, unlimited carbonated beverages, diet drinks (that always gets a chuckle out of me), days of feeling weak, depressed, and lethargic. Lets not forget a greater than average number of doctor visits, greater chance for health-related surgeries, greater chance for injuries (if and when you decide to get off your butt and do something), combined with looking less attractive to yourself and your significant other (or potential significant other), WHILE wasting money on all of these things.

Quite the laundry list, huh?

I dont know about you, but I take #1 11 times out of 10. And, if I were you, I would think long and hard about making a change to #1 too.

You can do it, I am here to help. And if you can handle even more fitness strategies for you and your family, go to and check out what Ive got in store for you. Have a great day!

Chris Callegari, founder of is unleashing his real-world exercise, fitness, nutrition, and healthy eating tips to the world, to help support lifestyle changes for any and everyone.Bee Blog31770
Anni Blog68956

Tips When Moving From One Host To Another

Moving your website from your current host to another hosting provider could be easy or difficult depending on the type of your website. Although it can be a daunting task, you may have to do it because of several reasons. Maybe you need some features which are not provided by your current hosting provider. Or maybe you need a company with a quality web site hosting service capable of helping you when something goes wrong. Whatever the reasons, the process of moving hosts and transferring files should be accomplished smoothly. This article contains some important steps you can take to move your website to another hosting provider.

Here they are:

- Old Account

Don't to close your old hosting account so that your frequent visitors can still access your website. Besides, you can still receive incoming emails until the moving process completely finished.

- Backup your files

Make sure you have backed up all of your files (and directories) correctly. Note that there are two types of transfer mode, ASCII and binary. Use the correct transfer mode when downloading the files to your hard drive. Normally, you will have to choose ASCII mode for transfering text files and binary mode for transfering image files. If you use WS-FTP, you can select the "Auto" mode so that the software will do it for your automatically.

- Keep the important information

Write down the important information about your old hosting account (e.g. billing history) in case you need it as reference in the future.

- Open an account in the new hosting provider

After making payment, normally they will send an email to you that contains your login information (username and password), your temporary URL and their DNS information. Just keep it.

- Login to your new Control Panel

Using your username and password, login to the control panel (e.g. CPanel). Create the email accounts you have already had in the old hosting provider.

- Uploading

Upload the files to the root directory (e.g. public_html) of the new hosting server. Once again, use a FTP software such as WS-FTP to do it. Before you do it, don't forget to setup the software with your new host name (e.g., username and password. Don't forget also to transfer the files correctly (ASCII/binary).

- Testing

Through web browser, visit your website with the temporary URL. Notice whether all files have been uploaded properly and all links work.

- Transfer Domain

Ask the old hosting provider to change the DNS of your domain name. Tell them the DNS information of your new hosting provider. If everything is OK, you will be able to access your website with your own domain name in a few days. Note that if the old hosting provider gives you a username and a password to login to the domain manager of a domain registrar (e.g. enom), you need to go to the domain manager in order to setup the new DNS addresses.

- Close the old hosting account

After the move is done and everything works properly, contact the old hosting provider to close your account.

If your website requires a database support and/or use a server-side script, there are some additional tasks you may have to do.

- Make sure the new hosting server supports your script. When I moved my website to a new hosting provider, I asked them first using their chatting facility whether their server supported a script I intended to use before using their service. By asking them like that you will also find out the response time they take to answer your questions.

- You may have to backup your databases. With CPanel, you can do it using the "Backup and Restore" facility. You can also use the import/export facility in PhpMyAdmin to back them up. In order to avoid incompatibility problem, use both methods. Talking about database, note that a web hosting provider with shared hosting pan usually adds the name of a database with an extra prefix. If both of your old and new hosting providers apply the rule, you can try to ask the new provider to give you the same username as the old one.

- Don't forget to modify the configuration file(s). You may have to change the information about your database or the absolute path.

If you meet any troubles, don't panic. Check everything from the configuration files to the .htaccess file . If needed, contact the support staffs to help you. Some web hosting providers even offer script installation for their new customers.

By moving from one host to another quickly and efficiently, people can still find your website without realizing what you are doing. Although you may meet some difficulties, moving from your current host to a new one that provides better features and supports is something you will never regret.

Heris Yunora is the owner of Blog56502
Bamby Blog38287

The Best Office Furniture For Your Space

Office furniture gets a lot of use, so it makes sense to create a work environment that caters to your specific needs and requirements. This is especially true for those who work at home if you choose office furniture that is comfortable, practical, and conducive to productivity, you and your family will reap the benefits.

Most jobs in the modern world require people to sit in a chair all day at a desk or in front of a computer. This type of work has its benefits, but it also has some drawbacks. Sitting for long periods of time staring at a computer screen can strain your body and may cause back problems. This is why its crucial to purchase a proper chair and install adequate lighting from the start, if you want to improve your office space. If you have the money, buy ergonomically designed furniture that is designed for comfort and to reduce the potential for common workplace injuries.

For the most flexible office environment, consider modular furniture as an option. If you have to make do with furniture you already own, try to set pieces up for use in various capacities. A good example is to use the top of a lateral file cabinet to store office equipment, such as a fax machine.

Remove office furniture that doesnt serve a purpose. This will reduce clutter and make your office much more efficient. Youll have everything you need right at your fingertips and wont be tripping over bulky furniture that has no job but to get in your way.

Make sure you have enough filing cabinets as well. Organizing the paperwork in an office is one of the best things you can do to eliminate stress and give yourself more time to get working.

Invest in sturdy shelves for proper storage of books, office supplies, and other necessities. This ensures that everything in your office has a place and youll be able to find items you need, when you need them.

You can find office furniture in many different price ranges, depending on the quality and brand of the piece. High-end manufacturers tend to offer furniture at steep prices, while discount stores cater to people working on a tighter budget. Whatever your financial situation, you should be able to find office furniture thats right for you without being forced to pay through the nose.

By Katerina Mitrou sponsored by who sells quality office furniture: such as desks, file cabinets and more. Please link to this site when using this article.Betty Blog72397
Aliza Blog30325

Senior Dating Tips

Fifty plus and wish to start dating again after a long long gap. Many would think it is an overwhelming task- especially when dates are difficult to find at that age. No it isnt. Start searching on an online adult dating site in a category dedicated to senior dating. Searching through dating sites is easy.

The first step is to become a member by giving your details including your User Id and email address. These sites have a privacy policy so that there is no fear of your personal detail falling in the wrong hand. Next add your profile with a photo for higher visibility. Now you can let others find you or you find your types by browsing the profiles.

There are profiles of thousands of sexy singles, couples over fifty waiting for you. Once you have chosen a profile, contact by email or instant messaging or if the date is online, invite to have a chat using a video or a web cam. These tools are very user friendly and highly effective.

While there are no absolutes in senior dating, there are a few tips that may help calm you and increase your chance of success:

One purpose of every first date is to decide whether you want a second one. With that in mind, plan a date that encourages conversation and helps you get to know each other.

Tailor your first date to include a common interest, hobby which helps establish an immediate connection around that has meaning for both of you. There are gay personals and lesbian personals categories available for those seeking alternate sex.

A meal on your first date? Make it lunch and combine it with some fun activity so that you have more things to talk about while you eat. Dinner implies more intimacy yet to come into picture.

If the whole idea of dating makes you nervous, consider joining group dating club or participate in a group activity.

Be smart, be safe, and have an exit strategy. You are going out with someone you dont know well, so stick to public places and tell someone you trust who youre meeting and where youll be. If you start to feel uneasy about the person youre with, and then leave.

John W WaltzerAdella Blog59939
Brynne Blog68187

Questions To Ask A REALTOR

When you are ready to select a REALTOR, here are a few questions you can ask.

Make sure the REALTOR presents a "listing presentation" to you. This presentation should answer many of these questions. If you will need a buyer's agent, also make sure everything is explained up front.

- How long have you been a REALTOR? Full or part time?

- What professional organizations do you belong to?

- Do you have a valid Department of Real Estate License?

- What is your responsibility to me as your client?

- Do you represent both buyers and sellers at the same time? If so, Who's best interest are you looking out for?

- How will you keep me informed of new listings that I may be interested in?

- What does the listing agreement entail, what are the beginning and expiration dates, and what are the fee amounts I will be paying?

- Is there a charge or contract when working with buyers? (Some brokers/agents DO have contracts and fees)

- What is your marketing philosophy? Ask for their complete marketing plan A-Z.

- What can the Realtor's company do for you?

What is their company's share of the local market? Are they part of a large or world wide referral network?

- What types of things separate you from your competition and will you give me some feedback? - How effectively will they advertise? Do they have 24-hour advertising capability?

- What disclosure laws apply to me and what do I need to be aware of?

- How does the Realtor market to other Realtors?

- Are they a Realtor or a Real Estate agent? (There is a difference)

- Does the Realtor have a strong internet presence? If not, why? Will your home have enough exposure for all potential buyers to view? (85% of buyers go to the internet first)

Cecilia Sherrard is a top producing REALTOR with Realty One Real Living Cleveland Ohio. She has helped many buyers and sellers relocate and find their perfect home. You can find many useful tips and information on her site http://www.youshouldown.comAgata Blog69806
Beth Blog15571

College Accreditation: Is Your College Accredited By A Legitimate Accreditor?

So who accredits the accreditors?

One thing you need to know is that not all accreditation associations are legitimate. It is not uncommon to see a diploma mill creating its own accrediting authority and then granting itself Accreditation. This is an important issue to look at before you settle for the claim that your college is accredited.

How do you know whether a college or university is accredited by a legitimate authority? You should be able to tell that very easily because in the United States, there are two organizations that accredit the accreditors. These are:

The Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) which is a voluntary nongovernmental organization.

The United States department of Education

Over 70 accrediting associations in the United States are recognized by either CHEA or the U.S Department of Education. Sometimes the college or university may be recognized by both.

Established in 1976 CHEA was established through the efforts of a group of college and university presidents and it is accountable to its member institutions of higher learning. It also acts as a clearinghouse on accreditation for the higher education institutions.

For Canadian accreditation, all the schools are regulated by provincial governments as well as some agencies that perform this function for professional programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels. If a college or university is a member of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, then it is assumed that the institution is providing acceptable and credible education

So before you assume a college or university has the right accreditation, confirm with the respective accrediting authorities.

Rose Musyoka is the editor of where you find information and advice on distance learning colleges, accredited online degrees and online courses. Learn more about what college accreditation is and why it is important to your education at Blog86197
Allison Blog19579

Ways Of Detecting The Early Stages Of Breast Cancer

As many doctors will tell you where most diseases or health issues are concerned, the methods for fighting them is by prevention, being aware and early detection. Therefore if are aware that there is a history in your family of heart problems and cancer then you an advantage over others. Because you know of the risks involved concerning the family history of the disease or health issue involved you can educate yourself on having a healthier lifestyle and what factors in the environment could be contributing to you becoming a higher risk. Certainly with the issue regarding breast cancer this is no different, in fact awareness and knowledge are the strongest you will have in not only detecting the disease early but also beating it.

If you were able to detect breast cancer early enough, you will find that it can often be treated more effectively. In fact the five year survival rate for women who are treated for the early stages of breast cancer is an astounding 96%.

However in its early stage breast cancer does not usually cause the patient any pain and this is why it can be easy for us to recognize it. In fact when breast cancer is in the first developmental stages there are often no symptoms which make it easily identifiable, and it is only as the cancer grows that the changes will begin which should be watch for and be aware of.

So how do you go about detecting the signs and symptoms (changes):-

One of the first signs you may notice is a new or persistent lump or a thickening in or near the breast or possibly in the underarm area.

The size or shape of your breast may change over time.

You will discover that there is discharge from either of the nipples that had not occurred before.

There will be a change in colour or feel of your breast, areola or nipples, which may consist of dimpling, puckering or a scaliness of the skin.

By carrying out regular self breast examination you should be able to detect any one of this signs or symptoms and if you find something that you feel is abnormal then arrange an appointment to see your doctor. There is nothing wrong in being cautious where this disease is concerned. Just remember that most abnormalities that you find are not cancerous and are more likely to be cysts or a growth of fatty tissue and this can be quickly and painlessly dealt with. Im sure that not only your doctor but you and your family will be pleased that you are erring on the side of caution, rather than ignoring something that can become more serious later on.

Kerris Samson, who now lives in Spain and has become a work from home mum. Is now spending a large amount of her time researching breast cancer and other cancers and alternative treatment methods. For further information please visit Blog41028
Belita Blog29303

Make Your Child Smarter. Do Science Projects

Science is a subject that is particularly important to the development of young minds because in learning science you learn many other important skills. Scientific knowledge helps in almost every other subject that your child will study. With a good understanding of science your child can better understand the world around him or her. Below are just a few examples of how doing science projects can help to make your child smarter.

Scientific method

In doing science projects children learn about the scientific method. The scientific process requires a great deal of thought. For example, a child starts out with a theory and through a process of experimentation to determine whether or not that theory is true. In repeating this thought process over and over children can develop a maturity in thinking analytically to be able to solve problems for themselves.

Logic and reasoning skills

Science projects help children to develop their logic and reasoning skills. In doing science projects you make guesses as to what the end result of the experiment will be. In the beginning all that you have are educated guesses and through the course of doing the project you come to find if your guesses were right. A child can learn from right and wrong guesses how to logically determine outcomes. Through experience a childs sense of reasoning develops and they become more capable of making accurate perceptions of the world around them

Writing a report/recording findings

Science projects for school often require that a report of some kind accompany the project. Writing a report teaches your child a lot of important skills including, grammar, vocabulary, formatting, spelling and proof reading. In writing a report your child also learns the important skill of self expression. In other words, the child learns how to describe what they see and experience in their own words.

The rewards of the successful project

Receiving a good grade on a science project or even better, receiving the blue ribbon for a science project does a lot to boost a childs self esteem. Many times projects are put on display for many others to see. As the child explains the project and how they can to the conclusion that they did, they learn how to teach principles and communicate verbally how they solved a problem. Even projects that did not work out exactly as planned are valuable because something is learned; even if it is learning how not to do that same project in the future.

Understand the everyday and learn to ask how and why

Science projects naturally encourage kids to look around for opportunities to experiment and to test out their own hypotheses. Asking questions and answering questions in the home is especially important in a childs development as it helps them to learn self sufficiency and trust in their parents. Parents also benefit when their children learn to ask questions because it provides parents with the opportunity to see how their child thinks and allows them to figure out what a child does and does not understand. Encourage kids to ask questions and explore and make sure that you listen to them when they do start talking.

Chick LunsfordCamel Blog76521
Alena Blog32676

Building Your Own Credit History

Modern times require modern actions and credit cards are the modern tools that anyone may need but not everyone may have. Establish a good credit history seems to be harder for those individuals who do not have a credit past, however it can be build up individually for the first time starting small.

Your credit history determines many economy-related activities in your life including getting a job, obtaining reasonable rates on insurance, purchasing an automobile or renting an apartment. So starting small building your credit history means that you can do some research for department stores and financial institutions where you can apply for small amounts of credit.

Do not forget to get a written copy of the conditions, terms and fees applying to the type of credit chosen. Penalties for late payments and interest rates may be slightly higher that other regular credits if the applicant does not have established credit.

Most experts recommend you to request a copy of your credit report from the three national credit bureaus. Yes, you may not have a credit history yet but the request will make the bureaus create the reports making it easier they put files on your credit report as soon as you start getting small credits.

Although there is, a possibility of getting those reports with information already included because any credit purchases made in your past is reflected on your credit history. If the file exists, make sure the information is accurate or immediately report any incorrect information so that they can take action to correct your file.

Another good option in building your credit history is to open a bank account, either a savings or checking account. Analyze the bank's financial products because there is no need to be a big investor to find some type of products offering savings accounts, checking accounts and debit card as a whole.

always Keep in mind that your bank accounts are to build a good credit history so do not miss your goal using them to purchase until you are in debt or you bounce checks. Getting a loan may round your credit plan if you pay consistently and pay all bills in a timely manner, so the granter may report this positive information to the credit bureau.

There are other useful strategies to build a credit history or improve your credit score if the history already exists. Apply for a secured credit car or prepaid card, open utility accounts such as gas, electric and phone service are just a few of them.

The most important thing to remember, use your cards or credits regularly to ensure that your report is updated regularly and pay your bills on time, because lenders look at the most recent information on your credit history report.

Fruzsina Csery is a freelence copy writer. She occasionally writes for Student Credit Cards.Adrianne Blog47897
Bev Blog59782

Mortgage Loan Leads - What You Need to Know

When you're planning to move, those costs should be considered and planned for ahead of time. It's not cheap. A move can cost thousands of dollars. That is, when you're leaving all the work to someone else.

And work it is: not only do all your things have to be packed, loaded, and transported, but there is preliminary work in the meantime that you'll have to do anyway that is less possible to farm out to someone else. Sorting your belongings, deciding what to keep and what to give away, and making arrangements for things that the professional movers won't do anyway.

Taking control of your own move can shave hundreds or even thousands of dollars off your move. This is especially true if you're not moving a huge amount of stuff. If you do have a large amount of stuff, now may be a good time to get rid of most of it. What things aren't you using anymore, and can't foresee any use for? Sometimes it can be tricky -- and emotional -- deciding what to keep and what to toss or donate.

Here's one way of approaching this task: get yourself a number of boxes. Start gathering up all your things -- you have to anyway to pack, right? -- and fill the boxes according to three designations: boxes for items that are "friends" (things you like and use often, for which there is no question you're taking them with you); boxes for "acquaintances" (things you use rarely, and like but could live without), and boxes for "strangers" (you don't even remember you have them, don't care for them, and wouldn't miss them if you left them behind). In addition to boxes of stuff, include furniture. Many people don't even like their furniture, and their bed is old and should be replaced anyway (8 years is a typical mattress's lifespan), so be honest with yourself about what you plan to drag along with you. Remember, every inch of that moving truck has a price tag attached. Gas mileage suffers the heavier the load is, too.

Now, pack only the boxes with items you consider to be friends. You don't have as much of these as you thought, probably! Now, order your moving truck size based on the space you will need to load only these items. You're saving money already!

Since there will likely be some extra space, since the truck won't be exactly the square footage needed for the friends, you can fit in some acquaintances too. Resist pack rat tendencies. The more stuff you bring, the less room you'll have at your new place. Also, all that loading and unloading costs you in time and energy. However, don't throw out truly loved items just because your use for them is limited to once or twice a year. If you have to buy everything all new all over again because it actually is needed in your life, then it may indeed be worth it to bring with you. Just don't let sentiment turn into a sentence!

Now that you've taken care of your own stuff, consider the transportation of living things: yourself, your family, pets, and plants. Obviously you need room for everyone you're bringing with you, and may have to rent another vehicle to accomplish this. Make sure jackets, first aid, prescriptions, sunscreen, and snacks are handy and not packed away. Don't subject yourself to stinging glare on the road because your sunglasses got inadvertently tucked away at the bottom of a suitcase. And if you have children, they should have something to read or play with on the road so boredom doesn't drive them stir crazy.

Often it's not only humans that are moving to a new home. Long distance moving companies will not move your pets for you, so arrange to have your pets accompany you. Consult your vet about the best way to go about this, espWhen choosing a mortgage loan lead campaign, lead quality needs to be considered. Lead quality is determined by a number of factors. Each seasoned loan officer should be receiving, and working on, at least 3-5 "quality" leads per day unless they yield the same results through a consistent referral basis. The 3-5 range should keep their pipelines full and give them time to work out all the loans they are doing throughout the workweek. There is no time or money to be wasted, now that the mortgage loan industry has changed. Here some terminology will be discussed, questions, and insider perspectives on the mortgage lead industry. Some tips will also be provided on how to best use the leads you receive.

There are many questions you should ask your marketing company:

1. How are the leads generated (telemarketers, internet, the bureaus, television, radio, etc.)? There is a huge difference between borrowers who have been solicited by call centers or pop up ads on the internet, as opposed to borrowers who have initiated contact because they are in the market for obtaining or refinancing their mortgage loan. You know what it's like to be called by a telemarketer, rather than picking up the phone and calling someone yourself. Individuals are usually far more motivated to get something done by the time they are personally calling and are therefore easier to speak to, get information from, and at least begin the process of the loan. Consumers who have been contacted by a "stranger" tend to be, understandably, more reluctant to give out personal information.

2. Are you a lead aggregate or lead origination company (do you generate your own leads)? About 90% of the lead companies out there are aggregates, also known as lead brokers, meaning they buy mortgage loan leads generated by other people in massive volumes to resell to you. This way, high quantities of leads can be provided. Unfortunately, you don't know how many other times the originator sold these leads as well as the company from whom you are purchasing them. Also, many of these companies work with call centers abroad and websites that may be using gimmicks that will cost you dearly when the consumer expects something promised by the ad they originally responded to. The aggregate companies may not even know or be able to tell you exactly how and where these leads were generated.

Lead origination or generation companies generate their own leads via their own websites, call centers, and other media. If you are dealing with an honorable company, you will get what you pay for. However, the disadvantage may be the number of *leads* they are able to provide you with. This may result in lulls in your program, especially if you are licensed in limited states or put high demands and filters on the leads you want to receive.

3. How exclusive are the leads? When you buy an exclusive mortgage loan lead from a lead origination company, as opposed to an aggregate, it will be 100% exclusive.

4. Are you affiliated with the Better Business Bureau (many lead companies are not)?

5. How long have you been in business (should be more than 2 years)?

6. What is the estimated application ratio on these leads (should be at least 15%)? The application ratio is very important; even more so than the closing ratio. That's because the closing ratio depends more on you and your ability to offer the programs, services, and rapport with the customer.

Especially if you will be going through several climate changes. Of course you will need to supply them with sufficient breaks along the way for food, water, and exercise. There are many ways to increase your pets' comfort and minimize the stress of the experience. Also, your plants will need special care and handling so they are not traumatized by climactic changes and drying out. Ask for advise at your local nursery for the best ways of transporting your plant friends.

The bottom line for many people will come down to budget. Movers cost money, and it may or may not be necessary for all people who move to incur those costs.

Kathy Hildebrand is a professional writer who is easily bored with her "day job" assignments. So, she researches anything and everything of interest and starts writing. Writing about an extremely wide variety of subjects keeps her skills sharp, and gives her food for thought on future paid writing assignments.Alex Blog86187
Ashlan Blog77277

Adirondack Furniture-The Best Look For Any Outdoor Space

Adirondack furniture should be a staple furnishing for any home when looking for an extremely comfortable and stylish seating arrangement for your patio or garden. It is one of the most comfortable chairs that can be found on the market today. Its inclined seat and big arms not only enhance the chair's style but provide maximum comfort.

Within the standard Adirondack chairs category, is the classic Adirondack plastic chair. These chairs are made up from reprocessed milk jugs or resin. Not only are they helpful for the environment, but Adirondack plastic chairs are beautiful looking. They weigh about 40 lb at minimum and are very strong and durable. Because of their beautiful appearance, it may be difficult for people to tell the difference between these chairs and the traditional wood Adirondack chair.

Painted Adirondack chairs are yet another category of Adirondack furniture. Initially, Adirondack recliners were available only in brown and green colors. Today you have a huge variety of beautiful colors in painted Adirondack chairs to choose from. You have such a wide choice of colors to choose from that many times you are able to have some pieces of furniture in one color tone and other pieces in different hues of that same color. You definitely have the ability to choose the Adirondack furniture that matches your style or taste.

Not all Adirondack chairs can be painted. Southern Yellow Pine, Alder, and Cypress are generally the most common woods used for painted Adirondack chairs. Teak Adirondack chairs, unlike the woods mentioned prior, are generally not recommended to paint. This is primarily due to the fact that the natural oils in the wood do not allow for proper adhering of the paint to the chair.

Another thing that you should keep in mind while buying Adirondack furniture is that most of the Adirondack furniture can be kept outside even during the winter season. It does not get destroyed by harsh weather. You may come across some cheaper versions of these items in your search for the perfect Adirondack furniture. You need to beware as they may be Adirondack but definitely are not all weather. These chairs may be sufficient for your needs, but you should make sure to remove them from the porch during the bad weather to keep them from being damaged.

Now after you have chosen the type of chair, you can consider Adirondack chair cushions to bring that magnificent color to your prized possession. It does not matter which Adirondack chair you are opting for, one thing remains sure that you will purchase only the best one that will be as per your style and requirements.

Jesse Akre, owner of numerous home and patio decor websites, makes it easy to find timeless Adirondack Furniture and classic Adirondack Chairs. Learn how to decorate your patio and garden in style - click the following link: Blog89741
Ali Blog65064

Keeping The Registry Clean With A Registry Cleaner

The registry is the backbone of the operating system. It is the record keeper of all that is stored and where it is stored on the system. Keeping the registry clean will keep your computer running smoothly.

Windows uses a system called the system registry. This is a central database that is used by all modern Windows platforms. This registry or central hierarchal database contains all the information that is required by the operating system to configure the system and make it operate efficiently. The operating system constantly refers to the registry for information. This may be several times a minute and the information sought may range from user profiles, which applications are installed on the machine, to what hardware is installed and which ports are registered and used for what service. The system registry was introduced in the late 1990's along with Windows ninety-five and replaced the older version of recording data in .INI files. The entire registry is composed of binary code and keeps on growing as the operating system adds entries to it. This slows down the system and it needs a registry cleaner to erase all the useless sentries to make the system more efficient.

What is the Registry?

As we use the computer the operating system keeps updating the registry with the new data it has to refer to for smooth operation. Let us take for example the simple file saving information, when we save a document the system has to record where the document has been saved and when it was saved also by which user. All this information is entered in the system registry. No consider how many times you save a document on the system. In addition to this consider how many sites you access on the Internet. Each time you open a site entries are made in the system registry. This makes the registry grow and slow down. Registry cleaners are programs that scan the registry and remove all the redundant entries. Registry Cleaners such as Windows registry cleaner is programmed to identify redundant entries and remove them. This makes the system faster.

So How Does The Registry Slow The System?

As the programs refer to the registry for information such as the location of a particular file or folder it has to start rummaging through the file from the beginning until it comes to the file entry it is looking for. All the entries are entered in hierarchical order so every time the programs refer to the registry they have to start from the beginning. They will also have to go through the broken links and useless entries, which number many thousands. This is why the registry slows the system. A registry cleaner like Win XP registry Cleaner scans the registry and identifies all the broken links and redundant entries that are entries not associated with any application, and removes them. This speeds the system up greatly.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at http://www.pcmantra.comBecka Blog26504
Berenice Blog3395

Clean The Computer Of Spyware Entries With Reliable Software

Spyware is malicious software that downloads onto a computer clandestinely. It makes entries in the registry and must be removed with Anti Spyware utilities.

'Spyware' is a term that refers to a very wide category of malicious software that has been intentionally designed to intercept or take partial control of a computer's operation without the consent of that computer's owner or lawful user. When the term 'Spyware' is taken in a literal sense, it suggests that the software clandestinely monitors the activities of the user operating the computer, however, it has over the years, come to be known as software that hampers the operating systems efficient functioning for the benefit of a third party, usually the person who created the Spyware. By downloading onto a system the Spyware will also make entries in the system registry. While it is imperative to remove the Spyware from the computer it is as imperative to remove all traces from the registry as well. This can be achieved with the help of Adware Spyware removal tool.

How Does It Affect The Computer?

'Spyware' is candid software that downloads itself onto a person's computer and constantly operates in the background and collects personal information of the user. For instance, it will record the entry from the keyboard every time the user enters a username and password or credit card details. The Spyware will monitor and record the information as well as which site the username and password was entered into. It will then mail this information to the host computer that the Spyware came from. In order to do this the Spyware must take over some processor time. It does this by delaying the operation of other programs or applications running on the system. This slows the system down drastically. The system can be revamped with free Adware Spyware removal utilities such as Quake removal Spyware tool.

Are Spyware Removal Utilities Not Enough?

Many Spyware removal utilities do remove the Spyware from the system but many of them cannot delve into the registry and remove all the entries therein. The registry will have to be scrubbed clean with special Spyware removal utility such as Quake removal Spyware utility software. Many of the Spyware entries will be associated with critical system files and so the anti-Spyware program will not delete them from the registry. Only a good Spyware removal utility such as Yahoo Spyware removal tool will scan the registry and detect the broken links and determine it they will hamper the efficient operating of the system if they are removed. If the Yahoo Spyware removal decides that they can be safely removed the entries will be deleted. If the entries are left in the registry they may link up to the site where they came from initially and download the Spyware again. This is why it is imperative to clean the registry with a reliable registry cleaner such as the free Microsoft Spyware Adware removal tool.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at http://www.pcmantra.comAtalanta Blog93696
Agneta Blog57375

Advice on Buying Estonia Property

Buying property in Estonia is a relatively straightforward and safe procedure.

The wheels of the bureaucratic machine move fairly efficiently, meaning that you could have title transferred in as little as four weeks.

Foreigners were known to have paid higher prices in the early 1990s, but the market has matured. Foreigners are developing many properties in Estonia now. This combined with the closing gap between foreign and local salaries mean that far fewer people, foreign or local, are being taken advantage of.

Most agents meet certain standards within real estate protocol and foreigners getting fleeced is not something to be over duly concerned about.

How much can I borrow?

Estonian banks and financial institutions are happy to give finance to foreigners, though the rates and conditions will not be as competitive as those given to Estonian residents.

Interest rates, however, are very competitive, and can be as low as 3 of the property value for a first property, and 50 off new properties in Estonia around 5-6 lower than the asking price. And because Estonia is experiencing a building boom, needing up to 3000 new housing units a year, haggling might be a luxury you can't afford.

Buying without an agent?

Not recommended!

Buying without a property agent in a country you are unfamiliar with, even for the most experienced property investor, is looking for trouble.

Additional Charges

The Notary is responsible for overseeing the transfer of ownership of property in Estonia.

Notaries play a necessary role in the closing process and are paid separately.

In Estonia, their fees are fixed by the state ranging from 0.4 to 1.0.

Most new builds sell off the plans and are sold complete with interior decoration. Demand in Estonia for 2- 3-roomed apartments has grown, particularly in the suburbs.

This is in contrast to its Baltic counterparts, Riga and Vilnius, where demand is largely for 1 -2 roomed apartments.

The result is a 5 more for any type of property for sale in Tallinn's old town. Demand for such properties has increased significantly over the past year in both the buyer and rental markets.

Investor's interest in new build apartments around the city centre has led to less demand for houses in Estonia. While demand has fallen, prices have remained stable, though selling times are longer.

It is possible to find bargain properties in Estonia's rural areas at extremely low prices and the past year has seen far more of these properties come on the market than in previous years.

The Buying Process

The settlement process in Estonia is fairly efficient, typically taking between 30 to 60 days, although it can be sooner depending on how quickly an appointment can be arranged with the Notary.

The Role of the Notary

The notary will oversee the transfer of ownership and ensure that it is in accordance with Estonian law. If it is not, recommendations for change will be made since the notary is financially responsible for potential mistakes or violations of the law. Once approved by the Notary, the documents are then signed in the Notary's office. Bear in mind that the notary's role is neutral. You will not be advised on any aspects of title, searches or burdens that they property may carry. The Notary will can also handle payments for the property through their account if required. Each party will be issued copies of the contract on signing at the notary office.

Notary Fees

The most equitable agreement for paying notary fees is to divide the cost equally between the buyer and the seller. Be sure to negotiate this before the meeting. There will also be a small amount of tax [state duty] to be paid by the buyer. This amounts to approximately 0.4.

The Contract or Pre-Purchase Protocol

The "pre-purchase protocol" is the agreement that commits the buyer and the seller to the property sale.

It usually requires the payment of a deposit, set at around 10%.

The pre-purchase protocol is immediately binding and under Estonian law there is no opt-out period.

Once the contract has been signed, you are legally obliged to follow through on the terms of the agreement.

Estonian property purchase contracts are generally "firm sale only".

In contrast to other countries where you may negotiate a property purchase conditional on getting bank finance or selling another property, it would be very rare for an Estonian property seller to accept conditions on a property sale.

Always beware of contracts that have been translated from Estonian to English.

A bad translation may compromise the terms of the contract. You are legally obliged to have an accredited translator with you at the notary's office to take you through the contract and to ensure that you fully understand the terms of agreement.

To ensure that the pre-purchase protocol is legally valid, it must be signed by an Estonian Notary.

Many agents however do not insist on this procedure since it incurs extras costs.

However, without a formal signing at the notary's office, the terms and conditions of the contract do not have any legal sway.

Deadlines may extend longer than they should and other problems may arise. As a final note of caution, make sure that the director of the agency you are working with signs the contract. In order for a contract to be valid under Estonian law, the director of the company and not the agents working for the company must sign the documents.

Don't expect to be handed the deeds of the property once the purchase has been completed.

In Estonia, there are no property deeds.

A notorized application is made to the Land Register to transfer the ownership of the property to the buyer in the land register book. This cannot happen until the state fee is paid.

After this process, the title is legally valid.

Public notice of the transfer must be published in the Official State Gazette, though this does not affect the title, which is secured after being noted in the land register book.

These guidelines are meant for guidance only and describe a straightforward purchase scenarios. However this information is not meant to replace proper legal advice, which we always insist you take.

John Everitt is a consultant to Globespan European property portal. Please visit our estate agents directory and this Estonia buyers guide Alleen Blog54292
Camel Blog43657

SQL Tuning

Companies that rely upon database information obtained by SQL queries commonly encounter performance issues as their databases grow to contain mass amounts of information. Over time, the same processes that have historically proven successful may become inadequate when the application needs to accommodate thousands or millions of database records. Suppose a company has always utilized a process in which a SQL query looks for a name by checking the first row to see if it holds the specified name, and if not, checking the second row for the name, and so on. When this companys database held only fifty names, this method would have been perfectly efficient and acceptable. But how would the same query go about locating the same name once the companys database has expanded to contain a thousand names? What about twenty million? The query would use the same system and likely get the job done, but not very efficiently. The CPU usage and response time would be compromised as the query was forced to navigate through mass amounts of information seeking one single record.

Database expansion poses challenges to developers and business owners whose profitability relies on optimal software performance. When an indefinite amount of information is expected to be added to a database, it becomes apparent that fine tuned SQL statements are necessary to minimize CPU usage and response time, which is where SQL tuning comes in.

SQL tuning involves streamlining the process through which SQL queries locate the sought after information. Innovative enterprise data availability companies have developed software solutions with extensive capabilities which help analyze the performance of the code and automate the process of identifying the specific applications that are causing performance delays, with the goal of reducing the time and CPU usage required to implement a new application. Such technology allows developers to analyze, test and correct the performance of new or existing applications in a test environment without affecting production. Such technology also allows developers to identify what specific issues are having the greatest effect on performance, so that they may focus their energy on correcting the problems with the highest priority.

SQL tuning technology targets and significantly improves the performance of SQL applications, in turn increasing QA production and reducing the need for time-consuming manual testing. It also provides developers with a tool to help analyze and maximize the efficiency of their applications during development, thus increasing productivity as well as enhancing the quality of their work.

Stephen J. Richards has 25 years experience in Data Management and Information Technology. This information is provided as a public service by Neon Enterprise Software, a leading provider of SQL tuning products. For more information, please visit http://www.neonesoft.comCarla Blog52421
Adella Blog59939

Hialeah Park

Hialeah is a unique city in many respects. For starters, the city ranks number one on the list of American cities where Spanish is most spoken as a matter of fact, 92% of the residents of Hialeah speak Spanish as a first language (so if you want to practice your Spanish, it isnt a bad place to go). The high Hispanic population means there are a lot of activities and attractions that wont be found, for example, in the middle of Minnesota. Opportunities to watch and play Jai-Alai abound, and you can regularly see Quinceanera celebrations as you pass by restaurants and community celebrations. In addition to the unique cultural make-up, Hialeah has some interesting history: a disproportionate number of pro-athletes and astronauts hail from Hialeah, famed aviatrix Amelia Earhart made her final farewells from Hialeah before departing, and in 1925, one of the most famous horse-racing tracks in the world opened in the form of Hialeah Park.

Hialeah Park is the oldest and widest continually used turf-racing track in the United States, and since 1925 has been patronized by Winston Churchill, the Kennedy family, and J.P. Morgan. Though the last race was run in 2001 (Cheeky Miss captured the 10th to end the tracks racing career), the park is on the national register of historic places, and now stands like a phantom. The flamingos that have lived nearby for years have made it possible for the track to also be recognized as an Audubon Bird Sanctuary. Going to the park now is like visiting a ghost town. For an idea of what it looks like, check out this site: The park can be very interesting to explore, especially for a racing fan.

If you are in the mood for some slightly eerie racing history, head over to Hialeah Park to take a look. The vines stretching up the Mediterranean architecture and disused voting booths are oddly fascinating. For those who really enjoy this kind of thing, consider renting a Millenium limousine to take you there. If youre going to explore old architecture, I find its best to get there in the comfort and luxury of a limousine.

Nick Jurkowski is a senior editor for The essays above can be found on his night life blog, The Urban Adventure Blog, which is updated daily.Becka Blog26504
Cairistiona Blog53012

Get a Head Start on Performance Management System

Performance Management System

Performance management is a wide subject, that refers to measuring and gathering data, processing and analyzing it, understanding it and generating reports for leaders to make well informed decisions that move the company forward in its efficiency and productivity. It combines many methods from mathematics, statistics, business management and other studies and builds up a complex reporting system out of them.

It is important to realize that up to a certain point you can use a common, general performance management system, but from then on you need to tailor it to your needs. The underlying methods and principles are the same, but the data needs and the way the system puts it to use could be very different.

Just through a simple example, let me show you what I mean. Let's think of a company that produces food for customers and a company that produces food for the poor in Africa. The former is a Plc, while the latter is a non-profit organization. Both companies rely on the same data. They have expenses because they need to hire labor, pay utility bills, and so on, and their product is the same.

Despite this, the non-profit organization, as the name states, is not profit oriented. So while a 4% profitability for the Plc. may be a huge disappointment to its shareholders, the main concern for the non-profit organization is how many people they fed.

This is the reason for the lack of unified management systems. We can however categorize businesses, and thus performance management systems too, into a few orientations. We can speak of profit oriented, cost oriented, investment oriented, and other orientation systems.

All these require a different performance management system, since light through which we view the company is very different. A cost oriented performance management system's goals are to analyze cost structure through consecutive years and minimize them. The objective of an investment oriented system is quite different, since initial costs are very high there, the system has to have a more long-term view.

The actual performance management system is built up of two fundamental parts with regards to business structure. The first part is the process of gathering data. In most cases this process is already in place in a company, since adequate data can be peeled out from the balance sheet, cash flow analysis, and so on.

The second fundamental part is the controlling department of the company which takes this data and analyzes it with the methods that are best suited for the company.

On the IT side of things, performance management systems, from the software side, have to be implemented by the controlling department, coupled with IT. Many of these functions are built in to the reporting and accounting software that the firm uses, since it already assembles the balance sheet, it is very easy to extract information with it.

The methods that the company uses to manage its performance can also be coded and added to the software to make the data analysis automatic. The analysts job is then to make recommendations based on the data to the leadership.

John Keigh is a correspondent and contributes to a web site about Performance Management: Performance Management TipsAme Blog66611
Ardys Blog94507

How To Decorate Your New Home

You are really excited because you are moving into a new home and although it is structurally sound the interior decorating is not quite to your taste. Sometimes when people sell their homes they do a good job of presentation but when they have moved out and the furniture is gone then the cracks begin to show. The lighting may have obscured the fact that the ceiling is dingy and the curtains may have hidden the peeling paint on the window frames. Whatever the situation it is usually the case that most people get involved to some extent in new home decorating.

You bought the house because you liked the general scheme of things but now you have decided that the avocado bathroom suite really isnt to your taste. You have a couple of options here, you can get hold of a couple of cans of special bathroom paint and cover it up so that all you need to replace is the toilet. On the other hand you might decide that white bathroom suites are a must for you and a complete change is called for. If this is the case then it is a good idea to go to a specialist bathroom outlet or one of the discount do it yourself outlets. If you do some rudimentary research and look around you may find that you can get a new bathroom suite quite cheaply then you are left with the problem of installing it.

Unless you are used to a mix of plumbing and electric and unless you have a kind relative or friend who is in the trade then you will probably have to have a professional in to install it. New showers are a particular problem for beginning do-it-yourself enthusiasts and really require professional expertise.

If the bathroom suite is ok then perhaps the smallest room in the house would benefit from a coat of paint or maybe some new tiles. Even a new blind would brighten a tired bathroom.

If the kitchen is the bug bear in your new home then try updating the cabinets, either with new doors or just a coat of paint. Paint the walls if they really need it but dont go for bright colors they soon look tired. Neutral is best, then add color with blinds and accessories

Before you make any decisions take a good look around your new home. Decorating may not be the answer. Unless there are things that you feel you feel you really cant live with then try using different furniture arrangements and swapping curtains i.e. living room to bedroom etc. Get some potted plants if you dont have them because they brighten any room.

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can get more interior decorating ideas.Addie Blog54651
Annnora Blog28140

Accounting Outsourcing: Delegating the Flow of Finances to Professionals in a Cost-Efficient Way

Business is composed of a set of interrelated system that will ensure the smooth flow of business process and convert capital to revenue efficiently. It is important for a business owner to consider each component as if it is just the existing system inside the process. Thus, utmost importance and consideration must be given to each process component, which includes the accounting process.

That is why we have tax lawyers. That is why we have public accountants. That is why we have financial managers.

It is because of the accounting process.

It is the measurement and the disclosure of essential financial information that will help public accountants, financial managers, tax authorities, investors, and other decision-makers to effectively allocate their financial resources to each business process, thus maximizing the conversion of a business working capital to huge revenues. Accounting involves processes in which important financial information of a particular business is recorded, summarized, evaluated, and interpreted. Furthermore, since money is one of the biggest factors that may affect the existence of a business in a certain market, accounting is given utmost attention and consideration at all times.

In accounting alone, there are several aspects that a business owner must consider. There you have the cost accounting, the cash-basis accounting, financial accounting, internal fund accounting, management accounting, project accounting, and others.

And the list continues to expand.

In other words, you might conclude that accounting is a serious and a critical matter that must be handled by a group of people who have the technical expertise in dealing with the accounting as well as financial issues. Realizing this reality, more and more business organizations hand the accounting aspects of their business process to third-party organizations, or most commonly known as accounting outsourcing.

Accounting outsourcing is considered to be one of the more effective management tool, thus many companies often incorporate outsourcing as one of their strategies in business planning. As a matter of fact, the Outsourcing Institute reported that the concept of a CRO (Chief Resource Officer), a professional outsourcing executive manager, is widely-acceptable in larger corporate organizations. However, you need not to be a large corporation to benefit from accounting outsourcing. Even small and medium-sized enterprises can provide better service and produce high-quality products in a more cost-efficient way if they will outsource their non-core business processes, including the accounting aspect. By decreasing the demands on your administrative personnel, you will be able to free them from additional responsibilities and they will be able to support areas directly to your sales, clients, and to the marketing task of your business.

Accounting outsourcing firms can execute your accounting and bookkeeping tasks in all frequencies (monthly, quarterly, and annually) or can supplement your present administrative staff to lessen the responsibility. Here is a summary of the services you can acquire from outsourcing your companys accounting process:

Preparing cash disbursement checks;
Preparing input credits and bank deposits;
Preparing company payroll;
Preparing tax deposits and bank reconciliation;
Preparing financial statements;
Preparing payroll tax returns; and
Evaluation and review of financial results on different frequencies.

With accounting outsourcing, you will be able to see the benefits of having a cost-efficient business operation. With your accounting process at the hands of outsourcing professionals, you can focus to the core of your business and convert every cent of your working capital into hundreds to thousands of dollars in generated revenues and profits.

John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to Blog81244
Ambur Blog66174

Las Vegas Schools Prosper this Summer

A Celebration of Progress Marks the Opening of New Las Vegas School Buildings

This past August, leaders from the Las Vegas Schools gathered at the Cashman Theatre for A Celebration of Progress. This was a celebration to mark the opening of nine new schools and one replacement school in the Las Vegas School System. In attendance were officials from Las Vegas Schools, Nevada State officials, community leaders, school principals, and architects. Las Vegas Schools A Celebration of Progress was hosted by entertainer Clint Holmes.

The event was sponsored by The Council of Educational Facility Planners International; this is the eighth year that the Council of Educational Facility Planners International has sponsored this event. The Council of Educational Facility Planners International is an organization of education and construction professionals that aims to improve the places in which students learn. Various models and renderings of the new facilities were displayed and the students from these new schools created exhibits promoting school spirit. This years keynote speakers were Las Vegas Schools Superintendent Dr. Walt Rulffes and Mrs. Ruth Johnson, President of the Clark County School District Board of School Trustees. The Hal Smith Elementary School choir performed, as well as the CP Squires After School All-Stars folkloric dance team.

The new school buildings were constructed to meet Las Vegas Schools expanding enrollment that will have around 12,000 new students enroll for the 2006-2007 school year. This influx of new students raises the total number of students in the Las Vegas Schools to over 300,000. The new schools include six elementary schools, two middle schools and one high school. The replacement school building is also a high school.

At the August 9th A Celebration of Progress event Paul Gerner, Associate Superintendent for Facilities, thanked the architectural and construction partners who made the new schools possible. The Las Vegas Schools system is expected to continue is substantial growth for many years to come.

Las Vegas School Students Take Part in Youth Leadership Summit

This summer several Las Vegas Schools students went to the Youth Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C. The Youth Leadership Summit was created through a partnership between The National Council for Community and Education Partnerships and Booz Allen Hamilton. The Youth Leadership Summit is designed to give students an opportunity to participate in educational reform. Students invited to the Youth Leadership Summit were participants in the Las Vegas Schools GEAR UP program, which is a national program, intended to increase the number of students who go to and succeed in university and college. Along with participation in the GEAR UP program, students were selected based on their academic performance, leadership roles they take in their schools and recommendations from their principals and teachers. All of the participants from Las Vegas Schools will be seniors in the 2006-2007 school year.

The Youth Leadership Summit included different activities in the areas of teamwork and leadership that encouraged the students to share their own perspectives on how educators should improve student achievement. The suggestions that resulted from the Youth Leadership Summit included: creating information centers that would aid students and families in finding information for postsecondary education and creating peer and adult tutoring and mentoring programs that support middle and high school students.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Las Vegas schools visit Blog35222
Brietta Blog59492


"All man's well-being depends upon two things: one is the right choice of aim, of the end to which actions should tend, the other lies in the finding of the actions that lead to that end."

Have you ever achieved a goal and thought to yourself "is that it?" Something was missing?

Maybe the answer to that question was 'the journey'.

I want to shift focus from achieving goals to the path of mastery. Now there is no doubt that a great deal of happiness can be achieved through attaining the goals we seek (providing they were attained without having to break your own core beliefs). But there is a flip side. I believe a balance between achieving the goals and enjoying the journey is essential.

* What is mastery?
* Mastery fundamentals
* 5 keys to fulfillment
* Dabbler, obsessive, hacker and master

What is mastery?

Mastery is a state of being.

'Consistency not perfection' is the catchphrase from my friend Paul Stephen Lubicz's Company 'The Wellbeing Manager.' Consistency is the mark of the master; it's a state not a product. The minute you get locked into believing there is a perfect way you become less open to other possibilities, so growth stops and the self critical part of the mind becomes a monster because those impossible 'fixed' ideals can not ever be met. Don't get me wrong though, consistently doing an average job will bring average results, it's only through the approach of excellence can mastery be attained.

Mastery fundamentals

Recently I read an exceptional book by George Leonard called Mastery. In it Leonard emphasizes the point of living in the current moment, and even accepting and enjoying the plateaus.

"How do you best move towards mastery? To put it simply, you practice diligently, but you practice primarily for the sake of the practice itself. Rather than being frustrated while on the plateau, you learn to appreciate and enjoy it just as much as you do the upward surges."

Goals and contingencies, as I previously said, are important. But they exist in the future and the past, beyond our current realm.

"Practice, the path of mastery, exists only in the present. You can see it, hear it, smell it, feel it. To love the plateau is to love the eternal now, to enjoy the inevitable spurts of progress and the fruits of accomplishment, then serenely to accept the new plateau that waits just beyond them. To love the plateau is to love what is most essential and enduring in your life."

5 keys to fulfillment

Leonard describes 5 master keys to long-term success and fulfillment, as:

1. Instruction - Find a master teacher.
2. Practice - Masters love to practice, it's their passion.
3. Surrender - Surrendering to your teacher and to the demands of your discipline.
4. Intentionality - Create the vision in colour.
5. The Edge - Push the envelope.

Dabbler, obsessive, hacker and master

Which one are you:

1. The Dabblers: Approaches each new sport, relationship, career with enormous enthusiasm. They love the ritual of getting started, new equipment. But they only seek instant gratification and when they reach that plateau they quit and look for the next bed to jump in.

2. The Obsessive: Makes the journey painful. Results are only what counts. When they reach the plateau the obsessive bangs, fights and does whatever it takes to knock through it.

3. The Hacker: Stays on the plateau indefinitely. Does enough to get by and stays in the comfort zone.

4. The Master: Simply anticipates the plateau which leads to power. They don't fight it, stress about it or quit. Dedication to practice diligently, for the sake of practice itself. So finally when climbing that mountain be aware of the peak ahead, but don't keep looking at it. Keep your eyes on the road, and when you reach the top just keep going..

"Do not think that this is all there is. More and more wonderful teaching exist - the sword is unfathomable."
-Master Swordsman Yamaoka Tesshu

Your 3D Coach
Craig Burton

Article by Craig Burton. Craig is a prominent European based holistic health and fitness coach and founder of 3D Personal Training Systems. Craig is a Sports Science graduate with postgraduate accreditations in nutrition, massage, athletic training, and corrective exercise therapy. Betsy Blog8383
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